Behaviour and Relationships
We aim to create a secure, happy and stimulating environment so that our pupils can learn and achieve through enjoyment and experience. We aim to enable our pupils to develop their full potential; socially, morally, emotionally, intellectually and physically.
Our philosophy is to foster mutual respect for individuals, together with care and respect for the environment in which all members of the school community work and play. This requires from everyone an understanding of and commitment to a consistency of approach, to ensure that expectations of what is acceptable behaviour are clear to pupils and all adults working within the school, and parents. This will be achieved by promoting and recognising responsible behaviour through encouragement, praise and example.
In creating such an ethos, our school will have a positive and lasting influence on the social and moral attitudes of all pupils. Difficulties will not be dealt with in isolation. All adults working in school can feel that they will be supported by colleagues from whom they can seek advice and expertise. We believe the active involvement of parents in their children's school life is an essential part of the support process and will be sought and welcomed.
We want our pupils to leave this school having developed confidence and respect for themselves, consideration and regard for others and pride in the wider community.
We want our children to take with them the positive attitudes and values they will have experienced and shared at Howley Grange Primary School, enabling them to be effective and caring citizens.
Please click below to find out more about the management of behaviour at Howley Grange by reading our school policy.
The Headteacher
The Headteacher has a duty to determine measures for
- Promoting self-discipline and proper regard for authority among pupils
- Encouraging good behaviour and respect for others on the part of pupils
- Securing that the standard of behaviour of pupils is acceptable, and
- Otherwise regulating the conduct of pupils
In carrying out these duties the Headteacher must take into account the governors' written statement and any further notification or guidance given by the governing body.
The Headteacher is required to publicise the disciplinary measures in writing, bringing them to the attention of the parents, pupils and staff at least once in every school year.
It is the Headteacher's duty to determine the standard of behaviour which is to be regarded as acceptable at the school to the extent that it has not been determined by the governing body.
Teachers and Discipline
Teachers can exercise disciplinary authority over the pupils they teach - and can use sanctions to enforce that authority. However all punishment must be reasonable and moderate.
Control and Restraint
Teachers may use reasonable force to control or restrain pupils to prevent them from
- Committing a criminal offence ( the age of criminal responsibility should be disregarded )
- Causing injury to themselves or others
- Causing damage to property
- Behaving in a way that causes serious or persistent disruption in the classroom, or causes a serious nuisance to others outside the classroom
The meaning of reasonable force is a matter that will ultimately be decided by the Courts. However, examples of situations where the use of reasonable force might be appropriate include
- Breaking up a fight
- Where a pupil is either damaging or about to damage property
- Where a pupil is running down a corridor in a manner which might result in an accident
- Stopping a pupil from hitting someone
Confiscation of a pupil's property is a lawful sanction - provided that there is a good reason and that the length the article is confiscated is reasonable. Teachers having confiscated an item have legal responsibility for that item and should not destroy it. Similarly they should ensure that the item is retained on the teacher's person or kept in a secured place before being handed over, for example, to the school office where it should be securely stored.