Newsletter 9th February 2024

Dear Howley families,

I hope you are all keeping well and dry!

This half term has absolutely flown by hasn’t it? Since returning in the new year, everyone has worked so very hard and have much to be proud of. Just this week, I have seen some of the most fantastic artwork, witnessed super team spirit and received demonstrations of remarkable feats of engineering. Even now as I write this, a dragon has literally just danced its way into the office courtesy of our reception children who have been celebrating Chinese New Year.

I also have to say what a super day we had last Friday when Rock Kidz came to Howley. Thank you all for helping us to have a great time by sending the children in looking so fabulous. I am proud of our school every single day - but walking into the hall last Friday and seeing our children and staff rocking out in style with the biggest smiles on their faces is a moment I will treasure forever. There was such energy in the room and the message to our children about there being nobody like them and how absolutely awesome they all are, couldn’t have been more perfect.  If you would like to find out more, Rock Kidz do have a YouTube channel, which can be found here Rock Kidz - YouTube . Oh, and if you hear our children using the word YASBA, don’t worry, it simply stands for ‘You’re Awesome So Be Awesome!’

Thank you all for your support this half term. Howley simply wouldn’t be the same without everyone working together and our strong community spirit.  

I wish all of our children, their families and our staff team a restful and happy half term break.

See you all on Monday 19th ready for another action packed half term.

Take care,

Miss Lewis

Dates for the Diary

12th - 16th February - Half Term

Thursday 22nd February 9am - 10am 'How to support your child with reading' for Year 4, 5 & 6 parents

Thursday 29th February 9am - 10am 'How to support your child with reading' for Year 1, 2 & 3 parents

Thursday 7th March - World Book Day (dress as a word)

Friday 8th March 2.30pm - Mother's Day celebration for Reception, Year 1 & Year 2 parents

Tuesday 12th March - Parents Evening telephone calls 4.45pm to 6.20pm - booking available soon

Thursday 14th March - Parents Evening face to face meetings 3.45pm - 6.00pm - booking available soon

Wednesday 20th March 2.45pm - Easter Bonnet Parade & singalong for Reception, Year 1 and 2 parents

Friday 22nd March - Last day of term

Monday 8th April - Summer term begins

Thursday 2nd May - INSET, school closed for children

Monday 6th May - Bank holiday

27th - 31st May - Half term

Friday 28th June - INSET, school closed for children

Friday 19th July - Last day of term




Yesterday Year 3 and Year 5 were visited by the Dogs Trust. They all really enjoyed speaking with our visitor and took part in workshops focussed on teaching children how to behave safely around dogs. 


This half term, as part of their history topic, Year 4 have been learning about crime and punishment and how this has changed over time. This concluded with an exciting visit from the police on Wednesday where the children enjoyed asking the officers lots of questions. 

Years 1 to 6 have been part of a Super Sewers assembly presented by Andy from Severn Trent. This was a fun, interactive assembly teaching the children about the water cycle, how Severn Trent cleans sewage, the science behind it, and the importance of putting the right things down the sewer and sink to look after our environment. 

There are lots of creative ideas for a healthy, tasty lunchbox at this link:

Home | Healthy Lunchboxes | Dudley Public Health (

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